Welcome, Dennis Norris II

We're switching over to the second author in T Kira Madden's series with Dennis Norris II. Below is his bio. We'll be posting his work over the next two weeks and including an interview. To see his new work, follow the link below for his chapbook.

Bio:  Dennis Norris II is a 2017 MacDowell Colony Fellow, a 2016 Tin House Scholar, and a 2015 Kimbilio Fiction Fellow. He is the author of AWST Collection—Dennis Norris II published by AWST Press, and other writing appears in Apogee Journal and SmokeLong Quarterly, for which his short story, "Daddy's Boy" was nominated for a 2017 Pushcart Prize. He currently serves as Fiction Editor at Apogee Journal, Assistant Fiction Editor at The Rumpus, and co-host of the popular podcast Food 4 Thot. You can find more information at his website: www.dennisnorrisii.com, or follow him on Twitter @theearldenden.